Workshops & Conferences

- Conference: "Explaining research misconduct: data, hypotheses, and methodological issues" 
Interdisciplinary conference.
Date: 6-8 December 2023
Place: Nancy, France
Keynote speakers:
Hanne Andersen, history and philosophy of science (University of Copenhagen)
Marjan Bakker, psychology (Methods and Statistics department, Tilburg University)
Remco Heesen, philosophy of science, formal philosophy (London School of Economics)
Philippe Mongeon, bibliometry (Dalhousie University)
Amalya Oliver, sociology (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
The purpose of this interdisciplinary conference is to discuss analyses of research integrity violations across scientific fields. It is open to the different approaches from scholarly fields that analyze science, such as the philosophy, epistemology, sociology, psychology, or economics of science, and to all kinds of scientific methods, be they conceptual, empirical, qualitative, or formal.
The conference is organized within the framework of the CRISP research project, which is funded by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Projet-ANR-20-CE27-0016).

- Workshop: "Research Integrity: deviance and compliance". 13 and 14 October 2022, University Paris Nanterre (France)

French version below.

As part of the ANR research project CRISP (Addressing the Challenge of Research Integrity in Scientific Practices), the research workshop Research Integrity: deviance and compliance aims to explore the sociological and legal perspectives on research integrity, with an empirical view on the practices of scientific communities.

More information below and/or on the following site :

The program and flyer can be found here.

Atelier de recherche: "Intégrité scientifique : déviance et compliance".    13 et 14 octobre 2022, Université Paris Nanterre

Inscrit dans le cadre du projet de recherche ANR CRISP (Addressing the Challenge of Research Integrity in Scientific Practices), l’atelier de recherche “Intégrité scientifique : déviance et compliance” entend explorer les enjeux sociologiques et juridiques de l’intégrité scientifique, dans une perspective empirique attentive aux pratiques des communautés scientifiques.

Informations détaillées en pièce jointe et/ou sur le site

Le programme et l’affiche sont disponibles ici.